Slip-ups in language switching
During my visit home to the States last month, I experienced amusing linguistic slip-ups. My mother is a native Vietnamese speaker, and every time one of her friends tried to make conversation with...
During my visit home to the States last month, I experienced amusing linguistic slip-ups. My mother is a native Vietnamese speaker, and every time one of her friends tried to make conversation with...
Don’t know the difference between your meteors and meteorites? We’ve got you covered! Here’s a beginners guide to astrogeology and why meteorites are so valuable.
“Good boy!” we’ve all exclaimed dotingly into the face of some amiable, glossy-eyed tetrapod that’s just retrieved its soggy tennis ball. We vow that dogs understand our baby-talk, sense our distress, and miss...
The science behind our mundane world is anything but – see the world in a different way, as Hazel takes you on a tour of the science of the everyday.
There is more to multilingualism than living abroad or speaking to the locals on holiday: the health benefits are incredible.
The scientific community has recently experienced a breakthrough – the first fully sequenced human genome!
Annabell investigates how a few words may cause us to lose the fight against climate change.
Scientists are now using sedimentary ancient DNA to retrieve genetic information about life from prehistoric times. It only takes a tiny sediment to unlock a vast number of secrets.
Pint of Science 2019: The Art of Science
June 21, 2019
Stratonauts Launch theGIST To New Heights… We Went To Space!
March 22, 2019
Press Pause to Begin – TEDx University of Glasgow 2018
April 12, 2018
New snippet!
‘Vascular Dementia: Advancing Research and Awareness’
Vascular dementia impacts 150,000 people in the UK, but this diagnosis leaves many confused.
Author: Caitlin Cosgrove
New snippet!
‘Should you trust your intuition? ’
Intuitive eating trend boldly rejects any sort of restrictions, promising to work wonders.
Author: Kseniia Mikushina