Can nitrogen use in growing potatoes be improved to reduce dependence on fertilisers?
Discovery of the regulatory function of the protein StCDF1 in potato plant nitrogen processing could be used to reduce the need for nitrogen fertilisers
Discovery of the regulatory function of the protein StCDF1 in potato plant nitrogen processing could be used to reduce the need for nitrogen fertilisers
Improved polymerase enzyme may help scientists fight crime more accurately.
Producing up to 14 cells per division, Corynebacterium matruchotii displays a never-before seen mechanism of multiplication, and happens to be resident on your teeth.
How can a common virus like Epstein-Barr virus trigger the development of Multiple Sclerosis, a debilitating autoimmune disorder?
Can uncovering the secrets of the naked mole rat’s resistance to ageing help humans on their quest to eternal youth?
The founding fathers of microbiology set immense milestones for medical innovation, but their fierce competition threatened many lives in pursuit of lifesaving discoveries.
Post-mortem brains of stranded dolphins and whales show evidence of Alzheimer’s disease-like neuropathology, raising the question of dementia within other animal species.
Examining exercise zone training for cardiovascular health — high or low intensity?
Pint of Science 2019: The Art of Science
June 21, 2019
Stratonauts Launch theGIST To New Heights… We Went To Space!
March 22, 2019
Press Pause to Begin – TEDx University of Glasgow 2018
April 12, 2018