Art & Layout
Fancy yourself an artist and want to have your work published? We are always looking for people to help out with artwork for our online articles and our magazine. The easiest way to get involved is to become part of the Art and Layout Facebook group and offer your assistance whenever artwork is needed, or alternatively speak directly to our design team by emailing them or by coming to one of our regular contributor meetings.
The layout is focused mainly on our print magazine which comes out once a semester. We use the free open source software Scribus to design everything, so you won’t need any pricey, fancy equipment to join the team. Because theGIST is always looking to progress, and learning and teaching skills is as important to us as a good product, all ideas are always heard – so don’t be shy. If you’ve never done this before and would like an introduction, we will be more than happy to walk you through our software and layout processes. If you’re interested, join the Art and Layout Facebook group and get in touch with the editors.
A big part of theGIST and its presence in Glasgow comes down to our events, all managed by our finance and events team. We occasionally host a science pub quiz at different venues across Glasgow, and it’s a great way to meet the team in an informal setting. In the past, we also held an annual conference, called Science for Society, which aimed to bring together people from across disciplines and sectors and get students to engage actively with the societal impact of science. The conference received great feedback and featured an article competition for undergrad and postgrad students.
If you are interested in becoming involved with our science events, we would love to hear from you. You will be able to engage with whichever level of organisation you are interested in, and because theGIST is a democracy, you will always be able to influence the shape and content of what we do. To get involved, get in touch with the editors.
theGIST is a big organisation which doesn’t run itself. On a project to project basis, a lot of admin has to be taken care of – this can be anything from helping to check out a new venue for an event, updating the newsletter mailing lists, or giving presentations to a new year of PhD students. The “machinery” work of theGIST is varied, gratifying and stimulating. As an admin, most of the work will be done alongside board members and so it is a great way to get under the skin of the organisation, make contacts and gain a lot of practical experience. Concrete examples of admin work from the previous year include
- Helping out at theGIST’s stand at Glasgow Explorathon in the Glasgow Science Centre
- Helping out at the Science for Society conference
- Creating pub quiz questions
- Manning the Freshers’ Fair stalls at University of Glasgow and University of Strathclyde
If you fancy getting involved, get in touch with the editors.
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